Husband to a beautiful bride that I do not deserve. Father of three wonderful children that God uses to show me His love daily. California native now living in the great state of Texas. “Part time” digital marketing professional; full time believer in and follower of Christ Jesus.
My Testimony.
I have done “religion” (not undefiled – James 1:27) my entire life. I went to church, served in various positions and consistently tithed yet there was never truly peace within. I lived in willful sin around the clock and sat in church as though all is well. Slowly things began to change as conviction it me harder and the euphoric feeling of sinning was no longer satisfying. One day I truly began to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and the soil of my heart truly began to become fertile. I changed my surroundings and stayed in the midst of other men that had a desire to live a Biblical lifestyle. The baggage of guilt and shame were laid at the cross during many small group meetings and that soil began to sprout new life.
On one quiet night, I sat alone and reflected over my life. I reflected over the many times where I should have died based on my choices, destroyed my marriage based on my choices, lost my children, career and even my freedom based on my choices….and at that moment I came to truly understand the mercy and grace of God. At that moment I truly understood that repentance is not because the action is inherently bad but because God’s grace and mercy for a wretched being like myself has time and time again proven to be overwhelmingly good. In that moment, with tears in my eyes, I felt the Holy Spirit come over me and my desires changed, my thought process changed and at that moment I was truly born again and that old man was gone.
My Focus.
The way we view the world begins and ends with our view of morality i.e. our understanding of right and wrong; justice. There are two ways that we can view morality – 1) through the lens of evolution or 2) through the lens of Scripture. The former must deny reality in attempt to prove it’s points while the latter speaks to the issues of man’s heart…sin.
Sin has entered the hearts of all man and sin serves as the dirty lens that we look through that make it unable for us to see the world rightly and that includes enacting true justice. By God’s grace alone, He gives those that He has chosen a new heart that sees Him and the world rightly. As He cleans us up from the inside out, we gain the focus and understanding of Truth and in that we truly understand and experience freedom.

Biblical Authority
How we view the world is directly related to how we view the authority of Scripture. If we believe 2 Tim 3:16-17 that tells us that all Scripture is directly inspired by God, then we also submit to the authority of Scripture.

God’s purpose for marriage is clear and without error. Marriage is between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24) and should be honored (Hebrews 13:4). The fruit of a God-honoring marriage (Genesis 1:28) are children that both the husband and wife are tasked with training up in the fear of the Lord.

Financial Freedom
We were never created by God to be slaves to debt (Proverbs 22:7). Yes, we were all sold the dream of “instant gratification” that is borrowing on credit but this understanding hurts us more than benefits us. Debt must be eliminated for our true purpose of giving to and building up others to take place.

It’s not about the income but rather the outcome. Our God-given gifts and talents were given to us on purpose to be used with purpose. Our work is not to man but a reflection of how we view God (Colossians 3:23). Our focus of entrepreneurship does not have to be full-time but our aim to glorify God should be (1 Corinthians 10:31).
With growing tech censorship when it comes to opposition of anti-progressive views, the need to connect offline is continually increasing. Connecting offline, through email, also allows us to connect and discuss these critical topics on a more personable level. Are you ready?
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