On Monday, July 15th, during his Jacksonville, FL tour stop, Kirk Franklin was publicly rebuked by Ty with Untamed Truth. The video that Kirk would proceed to upload went viral…
A rebuke directly for me
This rebuke was extra special for me since I attended Kirk Franklin’s opening tour date (Thursday July 15th) here in Austin, TX and during the concert I felt so convicted yet I moved on with life and didn’t even pray for more understanding about the situation. Even though there are moments where felt we missed the mark, God can use that for our good and always for His glory alone. Check out my response and the Biblical study that I wanted to dive deeper into regarding the street preacher’s rebuke as well as how it applies to all professing Christians.
Kirk Franklin’s dancing is where my conviction began. Other than the lyrics, I felt like I was in an R&B concert. Where is the gospel in this?
Untamed Truth’s Videos
Part 1 of 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2hCYM7V87U
Part 2 of 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtzJOQqZ6m0
Meeting w/ Kirk – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGIKHss6h0E
I am happy that Kirk actually followed through with the one-on-one meeting but I am not happy that he would butcher God’s word in attempt to explain why his (Kirk’s) position on the world stage is meant to make God’s word more relevant. God does not need our help to make His Word more relevant; we need to be obedient to His will and not our own understanding. I am also upset with Tony Evans, who is supposed to be a teacher of God’s word, tell the street preacher that he is wrong and validated Kirk’s “fame” as being important. This further shows the level of deception and lack of true roots being placed in God’s Word. God bless those that truly bring God’s word in Spirit and in Truth.
We do not know God apart from His infallible word (Holy Bible). As Ty mentioned “either the Bible is true or it’s not”. Hopefully this entire message spoke to you in some way and please put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
as a man of GOD when I have any problem with any man I go to him do not need social media or a c.b. or bullhorn
Absolutely. What you mentioned is Matthew 18:15 which says “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.”
The key area about this scripture is “if he listens to you”. Ty and Kirk had a direct meeting as you can see in the video above, but as Ty mentioned both Kirk and Tony Evans said he was wrong so did he (they) listen? No.
Also, the bullhorn was used since he was there not for Kirk but for those that were going into the concert. He kept talking on the bullhorn so that that others could here the discussion.
Overall, the Bible is either true or it’s false. There is no more “one foot in the world and one foot in the word” stance when it comes to God’s word. God’s word is offensive as it should be since we are prideful sinners by nature and the truth is meant to cut us down so that we can truly see His love for what it is; redemptive, full of love, full of correction and full of grace.
This street preacher was wrong. He’s condemning another brother who is part of the body of Christ. If anyone is going to hell it will be this street preacher who is trying to wear Gods work boots and condemn someone when he doesn’t have that authority only Jesus does. God gave us all talents and skills and abilities if we choose to do nothing with those talents and skills then we do not honor God. Kirk Franklin makes a living using the talents, skills, and abilities God has given him what should he do, sit on a street corner and beg for bread? This street preacher was given talents and skills by God and maybe he didn’t do nothing with them and so he’s got time now to call someone out who is doing something with the talents and skills that God has given them this guy is a hypocrite.
@David – “con·demn – 1. express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure. 2. sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, especially death.”
Thank you for your feedback on this topic. You criticize the street preacher on him condemning others yet you, yourself, condemned the street preacher by saying he is going to hell. Do that sound right? No. Rather than going off our feelings, we as believers and followers of Jesus Christ should always aim to back all our understanding NOT on our feelings but rather on God’s infallible word (Bible). Do I believe that the street preacher could have gone about some things a little differently? Yes. Is what he said wrong? No. Either God’s word is 100% true or it’s false. We can’t cherry pick the scriptures that work in our favor and deny all the others. That is idolatry. To truly know God is to study His word (Bible). There is no way that we know Him outside of the Bible. We are encouraged you to dig deep into God’s word for all understanding and not lean upon our own (Proverbs 3:5-6). Rather than just going off the first video, please check out my video response above (second video). Thanks again for the feedback.